Dual Citizenship in Sri Lanka

Dual Citizenship in Sri Lanka: Embrace the Best of Both Worlds

What is Dual Citizenship?

Dual citizenship allows an individual to be a citizen of two countries simultaneously, enjoying the rights and privileges of both nations. For Sri Lankans living abroad or those with foreign citizenship, obtaining dual citizenship in Sri Lanka can provide numerous benefits, including the ability to live, work, and own property in Sri Lanka without relinquishing their current nationality.

Benefits of Dual Citizenship in Sri Lanka
Right to Reside and Work: Dual citizens can live and work in Sri Lanka without the need for special visas or permits, allowing seamless integration into Sri Lankan society.
Property Ownership: Enjoy the freedom to purchase and own property in Sri Lanka, including land and real estate, without restrictions.
Education and Healthcare: Access Sri Lanka’s educational institutions and healthcare services as a citizen, benefiting from the same opportunities and facilities available to Sri Lankan nationals.
Business Opportunities: Engage in business activities, invest in local enterprises, and contribute to the Sri Lankan economy without the limitations faced by non-citizens.
Cultural and Family Ties: Strengthen your connection to Sri Lankan culture and heritage while maintaining close ties with family and friends in Sri Lanka.
Eligibility for Dual Citizenship in Sri Lanka

To be eligible for dual citizenship in Sri Lanka, applicants must meet certain criteria set by the Department of Immigration and Emigration. Key eligibility requirements include:

Former Sri Lankan Citizens: Individuals who have obtained foreign citizenship but were previously citizens of Sri Lanka.
Descendants of Sri Lankan Citizens: Individuals born outside Sri Lanka who have at least one parent who was a Sri Lankan citizen at the time of their birth.
Foreign Nationals of Sri Lankan Origin: Individuals who can prove their Sri Lankan origin through ancestry.
Application Process for Dual Citizenship
Complete the Application Form: Fill out the dual citizenship application form available on the Department of Immigration and Emigration’s website.
Supporting Documents: Prepare Gather the required documents, including your birth certificate, current passport, foreign citizenship certificate, and any other relevant documents that prove your eligibility.
Submit the Application: Submit your completed application form and supporting documents to the Department of Immigration and Emigration in Sri Lanka or the nearest Sri Lankan consulate or embassy.
Pay the Application Fee: Pay the applicable processing fee as specified by the authorities. The fee amount may vary based on the applicant's age and category of application.
Attend an Interview: You may be required to attend an interview or provide additional information to support your application.
Await Approval: Once your application is reviewed and approved, you will receive a certificate of dual citizenship. The processing time can vary, so it’s important to apply well in advance of any planned travel or relocation.
Contact Us for Expert Assistance

Navigating the dual citizenship application process can be complex, but you don’t have to do it alone. Our team of experienced consultants at Omega Consultants Pvt Ltd is here to provide expert guidance and support at every step. From preparing your application to submitting documents and following up with authorities, we ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience.


Start Your Dual Citizenship Journey Today

Embrace the benefits of dual citizenship in Sri Lanka and enjoy the freedom and opportunities that come with being a citizen of two nations. Contact Omega Consultants Pvt Ltd today to learn more about our dual citizenship services and begin your journey towards obtaining dual citizenship in Sri Lanka.


  • 24/2, Palangathure West, Negombo, Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka
  • +94 721 209 110
  • hello@omegaconsultants.net

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